
Brad Weté's Thought Bank. Words, Videos, Pictures and Such-'n'-suches

Atlanta's Season 2 Trailer related, mostly unrelated: At the top of 2017, I told my guy Ugi that it would be my Gambino year. Why? Because 2016 was an amazing one for Donald "Childish Gambino" Glover. He released Atlanta's first season, which was widely acclaimed. He put out funk-soul album Awaken, My Love!, which was as beloved as the show and spawned hit single "Redbone." And he had his first child. That's a well-accomplished 12 months.In 2017 I got married, started a new job as Digital Editor at Flaunt Magazine, and set into motion some things that'll come to be this year. A good year, for sure.I'm looking forward to Glover's new season of Atlanta, coming out in March. Wouldn't be surprised if it's the start of another big stretch for him.